10 Time Management Tips for Small Business Leaders – Start & Grow Your Business!

Having trouble getting everything you need to go into a day? You’re not alone. Time management doesn’t come easily to everyone. As a business leader, you’re probably already super-busy. It can be hard to organize routine tasks and simply get everything done in the right order. That’s why you might need some help in the form of time management tips. If you do, then you’re in the right place. In this article, we’re going to drill down on some top time management advice so you can start being more productive and making your business a success.
Often, productivity in the workplace relies on a number of factors. And one of these is the organization. Everyone needs to know what they’re doing and why. You also need to make sure everyone is motivated efficiently and has enough time to finish key tasks. If you’re struggling to keep on top of things as a business leader, you might need some of these tips urgently. Thankfully, you’re in the right place if you do. Let’s have a look at 10 ways to improve time management issues in your business…
1. Hire the right staff
The first step towards creating a motivated, productive and hardworking workforce that doesn’t have as many time management issues is by taking more time and effort when choosing staff. Many businesses succeed or fail based on how good their staff is. This is especially important ins mall businesses, where one lazy worker could affect your bottom line considerably. With all that being said, you’d think these small businesses should take more care when hiring, but many of them don’t. They’re making a big mistake.
Your hiring process should be effective and detailed. Interviews should be long and have multiple rounds. Don’t just hire the first good person you see. Make sure you put a lot of effort into exactly who you hire, as they should be working with you for a while and this choice will make a big difference to your business and how it succeeds.
2. Delegate properly
Once you’ve got the right employees with the right skills (and the right work ethic), you can start delegating more effectively and with more faith in what the results might be. As a business leader, you shouldn’t be concerning yourself with certain tasks that can be more effectively done when delegated. Everyone should have a clear role, and sometimes someone else will be a better person for certain tasks so you can take a more strategic and operational view.
Many business leaders try and do too much, especially those in small businesses that they’ve built from the ground up. You might have done every small task yourself when you were the only employee, but as the business grows, you can’t afford to anymore. You need to delegate properly and effectively. Your written communication skills can also have a big difference, as you can motivate teams with targets and provide clearer instructions when delegating.
You might want to try and set a good example by taking out the bins or answering calls on the front desk – but these aren’t the jobs you should be spending your time on. And you should have hired someone who’s better suited to them. You need to take a more strategic managerial view. One that doesn’t concern you too much with day-to-day tasks but makes sure the big decisions get made and makes sure everyone is pulling in the right direction.
3. Use the right apps
Apps can help with your productivity and time management in a big way these days, so make sure you’ve got the right ones for you. You can try some that make it easier to organize your day-to-day tasks or reduce distractions in the workplace by stopping you using certain apps at certain times…
4. Reduce distractions
When you’ve got targets to hit or other important work that needs doing, distractions can be a huge issue. Not only should you stop procrastinating on Facebook, but you should also reduce distractions in the real world. That means letting your staff know to leave you alone if you’re meeting an important client or diverting calls away from your office if you’re working on an important document. Distractions can get in the way of proper time management, to reduce them where you can.
5. Set targets and goals
To effectively motivate and meet targets in good time, you need to make the targets clear. Both for you and your staff. Make sure everyone knows what they’re working towards and why. Put clear goals up on the wall if you have to.
6. Reward yourself and your team
When you hit targets and achieve those goals, make sure people are rewarded. Either financially, or with other treats like a team dinner out or drinks. When people feel suitably rewarded for the work they put in, their morale will improve. In turn, that should improve motivations and overall productivity. It’ll also make people work harder towards the next set of goals if they know there’s more in it for them.
7. Get the most important tasks done first
Sometimes, the big important tasks can be a bit daunting. It’s not uncommon to try avoiding them and doing the easier stuff first. Don’t. It’s important for a reason, so you need to get it done as soon as possible.
8. Take breaks
This might seem counter-intuitive, but breaks are especially important in a busy business. If you work too hard, you could burn out – and that’s not good for productivity. You need to take some breaks so that you can back fresh and ready to work even harder. That’s true for both you and your employees.
9. Automate where possible
Automation in the workplace is becoming massive, and it could help your business as well. Getting more tasks automated could get them done much faster, and frees up more time for other jobs.
10. Set a routine
Try working through things methodically in a similar order each day. Make sure you and your staff know what needs doing and that you approach it effectively. Good routines can help time management issues immensely.
This content was originally published here.
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