Building A Brand – It Ain’t About “Time Management”

The very first thing most business owners figure out when they start to go after those BIG growth phases – and set their sights on being THE go-to personal brands in their niches – is this:
It’s a lot of freakin’ work!
Anybody who’s done it will tell ya, I’m not foolin’. I don’t care how many “gurus” there are out there telling people they can build awesome personal brands overnight… building a brand that people trust takes time… and it’s not for tire-kickers!
You’ve found that out in your own business, haven’t you?
There’s all this stuff to do – posting on social media a bazillion times a day, making videos, interviewing on podcasts, commenting on influencers’ posts, building websites, writing books – ON TOP OF doing what you really want to do… which is run your business.
And then maybe you’ve got a family you want to spend time with, too. You haven’t been there to tuck the kids in at night in who-knows-how-long, and you really have to squint to remember what your partner looks like naked.
When you’ve got that much on your plate, it’s easy to feel like you suck at managing your time.
But here’s the thing – and I know you’ve probably heard this before, but I bet you need to hear it again:
The issue isn’t just that you don’t have enough time. It’s that you’re not allocating your resources efficiently.
I get it. Time is a resource. But you get the exact same amount of it as everybody else every day. 24 short hours.
What you accomplish during those 24 hours depends on how you allocate your resources.
If you’re handling absolutely ALL of the tasks in your business by yourself, is that the most efficient use of your resources?
Because I’ve gotta tell you, when you’re trying to grow your brand and you’re already maxed out.. Two things are gonna happen:
- You’re going to burn out, and
- You’re never going to hit a success metric that you can be happy with.
Clearly, that’s not what you’re after, so you’ve got to use your resources as effectively as you can if you want to start gaining momentum.
Here are a few tips:
- Determine what unique value YOU (as a person, not as a business) bring to the table, and focus on activities where you’re delivering that value unencumbered.
- Leverage the skills of others through bartering agreements to build your brand. For example, if you’re a programmer, you might be able to create an app in an hour that would take a graphic designer weeks. And likewise, the designer can create a logo that’s MUCH better than you could come up with.
- Be transparent with employees and subcontractors – the more they feel valued and important, the harder they’ll work to help you reach your goal.
What’s YOUR most powerful way of allocating resources to build your brand? Let me know in the comments?
– The Doc
The post Building A Brand – It Ain’t About “Time Management” appeared first on Uniquedesignz.
This content was originally published here.
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