How to Use Time Management Apps to Get More Out of Your Day

Time has always been a precious commodity but it seems that the pace of modern life has made it even more of a challenge to find enough hours in the day to achieve all of your work and leisure goals.
The key to feeling like you are gaining better control over your time and how you spend each minute and hour of every day is to be more successful with your time management skills.
One way to help you achieve this aim would be to find a suitable time management app that offers you the tools and resources you need to beat the clock and stay on schedule.
A potential business solution with this wizard
Time management is all about maximizing every hour in the day whether you are at work or trying to get the most out your spare time when you are not working and if you use an app like the Time Clock Wizard it could help get all the tasks done to allow you to leave at a reasonable hour.
Designed to help you keep track of employees activities using an online time clock system if you run a business and don’t want to waste valuable moments checking on their status and current work schedule, this app gives you the ability to do that and create a full staff schedule in a matter of minutes.
Once you are up and running with this system it’s easy to create timesheet reports and create a schedule so that you can see where everyone is and who is in or out of the office.
There is no software to install so it is a highly portable system that allows you to use any computer to monitor what is going on and how effectively everyone is using their time.
A to-do list always helps efficiency levels
It’s a nice feeling to wake up each morning and know that you have the day mapped out and know exactly what needs to get done. Trying to remember all those things in your head is a real challenge though, which is where an app like Todoist could fit the bill.
This task management app makes it a breeze to assign tasks to a time and date and even put them under different project labels.
Keep adding those tasks as you go along and every day you can simply view your to-do list and work your way through what is on your agenda in a calm and orderly manner, saving you time and hassle in the process.
Get more meaningful information to help you work efficiently
You might initially struggle to find a connection between an Italian tomato and time management, but the Pomodoro Technique (the name draws inspiration from the tomato-shaped timer used by the inventor) is a time management system that was developed in the ’90s.
It became a big hit and the concept was simple, breaking down your day into short intervals which are interspersed with short breaks.
What you can now get is an app called Focus Booster which draws its inspiration from the technique and allows you to divide your time and see exactly how efficiently you are using the minutes and hours available to you on a daily basis.
It is a simple but highly effective time management concept and it is designed to encourage you to slice your tasks into 25 minutes segments, before taking a break after every four periods of time has passed.
There are a number of apps available that use the Pomodoro Technique as the blueprint for successful time management.
Learning how to develop good habits
Procrastination is a human trait that is familiar to plenty of us and putting off something until later is just one bad habit that you can easily acquire but find difficult to break once your brain is trained to approach tasks in this way.
Bad habits can be anything from always leaving late for work to leaving paperwork until it is a mountain before tackling the task.
An app like the Loop – Habit Tracker is designed to help your reset your behaviors and develop some better ones that make you more productive and help you improve your time management skills.
Develop the habit of waking up early, for instance, using the app, and you will probably find you become a bit more efficient because you have given yourself more time to get things done with your new early-riser routine.
What bad habits would you like to eliminate from your day?
Say no to those distractions
It is far too easy to waste hours of your day checking social media for the latest updates and browsing the internet with no particular purpose, all of which will mean that you are prevented from doing something else while you busy doing something so unconstructive in many cases.
If your smartphone is almost welded to your hand and you constantly check for social media updates you might need a helping hand to put this activity on temporary hold while you get on with your work instead.
An app called Freedom was created to do what you might otherwise avoid doing, which is to stop you accessing content that is considered to be too much of a distraction, albeit on a temporary basis.
You can specify which sites to block and if you are prepared to give it a go and be honest and strict with what you cut access to while you focus on your work, you could find that this simple concept resets your wasteful browsing habits and frees up more time to do more productive tasks.
There are loads of ways to tackle the issue of time management and these apps highlight that there are numerous angles of approach that you can try to achieve the common goal of making better use of your time and improving your efficiency.
If you accomplish more tasks in the shortest space of time possible this is going to create more spare time in your day than you imagined was even possible.
This content was originally published here.
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