Time Management Improves Quality of Life

“There’s not enough time in the day!” How many times have you said that? And yet, others can be incredibly productive with the same 24 hours that you have. I’m Wendy Corr, and in today’s Wellness Tip I’ll give you a few ideas to help you manage your time and reduce your stress!
Time is a special resource that you cannot store or save for later use. Most people feel like they have too much to do and not enough time. They blame lack of time for their poor finances, stress, bad relationships, and for not exercising.
Life today presents so many distractions, so it is very easy to lose time on unimportant activities. Ask yourself, is watching a TV show, scrolling Facebook or participating in worthless activity going to add anything to your life?
Good time management can help you find the time for what you desire, and for what you need to do.
Really, all super productive people have one thing in common – They manage their time! Here are a few simple steps you can take to fill your day with meaningful activity, rather than spinning your wheels without getting anywhere.
First, dedicate a daily planning time.
Take care of any quick tasks right away – don’t put them off!
Prioritize your to-do list, to make sure your most important and urgent tasks get done.
Identify your most productive time of day, and then use it well!
Know when and when not to multi-task.
Use a planning and scheduling tool that works for your lifestyle.
Take breaks! That will prevent burnout.
Be realistic about how much time your individual tasks will take.
Have someone hold you accountable. And don’t be afraid to delegate! Finally, appreciate what DOES get done, rather than stress over what didn’t.
You can learn to find the time for the things that are important to you. Even a small amount of time once a day, or even once a week, will take you closer to your goals, and you will be surprised at the progress you make.
Thanks for tuning in to Wellness with Wendy! I’m a certified holistic nutritionist, a mom, an entertainer and a radio personality – so finding balance is the key to my life. I love sharing tips and tricks to help you live your best life – so for more health and wellness news and advice, follow my blog on mybighornbasin.com. See you again tomorrow for Wellness with Wendy!
This content was originally published here.
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