Time Management is everything

There’s nothing more embarrassing than keeping a client waiting for a viewing, or worse, forgetting to reply to them on text or email, this could cause you the deal! Time management is everything, in order to be successful, you must be good at juggling many balls in the air at a given moment. And in order to accomplish that, you must put systems in place that map out how you‘ll use your time each day. You can’t control traffic, a typhoon, or other people’s time, but you can manage your own scheduling such that when you run up against those things, your day doesn’t fall apart.
While no one can actually put in their hands and control time, it is ALL about managing the choices you make that will help you create great results in both your business and personal life. I remember this quote by Benjamin Franklin:
If you fail to plan, you’re planning to fail.
TOP 10 Time management hacks for agents:
- Time block – Jim Rohn said finish your work week before it begins. Plan your week before starting and block it in advance. Time for you first, then family and friends, then important tasks/meetings (lead generation, buyers, sellers, negotiating offers). Rest of the schedule can be filled in as the week progresses.
- Eat the Frog – Brian Tracey said to “Eat the Frog” first. The one thing you know that’s so important and you just keep putting it off. Start the day right, do the hardest thing first, eat the frog!
- Schedule your daily Hour of Power. Make calls to people in your database, people in your email, keep in touch and follow up.
- Develop checklists and systems for everything in your real estate business. Work smarter, not harder.
- Treat every day like you’re going on vacation the next day and make daily to do lists.
- Reply to clients in real time, have an automated email response. Let them know that they are important.
- Learn to say ‘NO’ – Steve Jobs on focus, “People think focus means saying yes to the thing you’ve got to focus on. But that’s not what it means at all. It means saying no to the hundred other good ideas that there are. You have to pick carefully. I’m actually as proud of the things we haven’t done as the things I have done. Innovation is saying no to 1,000 things.”
- Always ask yourself, “Is what I’m doing right now the best use of my time?”
- Reserve at least 1 hour in a day for your quite time, perhaps at the end of your day. Time to unplug from social media, turn off cell phones, time to clear your mind, to reflect and create.
- Take a scheduled day off every week no matter what, celebrate your accomplishments. Time to reload to come back refreshed and more effective.
This content was originally published here.
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