Time Management Tips for Busy Moms – Mrs. Hines’ Class

It’s May.
That means:
And, I know you. You want to do it all:
So, you wear yourself out, or as my mom says, run yourself ragged, trying to do all the things for all the people. The very thing you were trying to do, show up, gets overshadowed by being busy. And tired.
But, we’re going to do things differently this year. Here’s how.
Time Management Tips for Busy Moms
Oh, and one more excellent tip…
5. Delegate. Or, if we’re sticking with the “p” words, put people to work. You don’t have to do it all. Take advantage of delivery services. Hire out certain jobs. Let friends or family help. In fact, I think that last idea is a great way to provide your kids a sense of pride and ownership in the household. That’s invaluable.
(You’re either going to thank me or hate me for this next tip, but I’ve found it to be crucial.)
6. Plan breaks. I’ve been known to hang out at a wine bar with friends while enjoying live music when I “should” have been getting the house ready to host. Because, rest is necessary. Whether it’s rocking on the front porch, sipping hot tea, or taking a deep breath, take a moment to recharge. It makes you a more present person. Isn’t that the goal?
I’m convinced you can enjoy the month of May, and all it brings with it, if you approach it with intention.
See you in class,
This content was originally published here.
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