Time Management Tips for IBPS PO Prelims 2018 Strategies to Attempt Max Questions

Time Management Tips for IBPS PO Prelims 2018, Time Management Strategy for IBPS Probationary Officer Prelims, Mains Exam 2018, Master Strategies to Attempt Max Questions in IBPS PO CWE VIII Exam 2018, How to prepare for IBPS PO exam at home, How to crack IBPS PO in 1st attempt
Time Management Tips for IBPS PO Prelims 2018: – Dear Candidates, Recently, The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection has released the IBPS PO Vacancy Notification 2018 on the official website. In this article, here we are going to share the complete detail regarding the “”Time Management Tips for IBPS PO Prelims 2018””. Time management is a most important thing. The candidate who understands the importance of time will never face any problem in the any kinds of competition examination.
In the bank examination, the Questions which are asked in the IBPS PO Prelims Exam are easy. But the time of the IBPS PO Examination is limited {60 Minutes only for the 100 Questions}. So the candidates who are going to take part in the IBPS PO Prelims Exam, they make their Time Management Strategies for the examination. If you managed the time in the IBPS PO CWE VIII Examination, then no one can stop you for the selection as the Probationary Officer Posts.
IBPS PO/MT CWE VIII Time Management Strategy / Tips
IBPS Probationary Officer Prelims exam paper has {IBPS PO Pre Exam Pattern} 100 questions of the 100 marks {Each Question is have equal marks}. And the IBPS PO Prelims Exam Duration is 1 Hour {60 Minutes only}. So ideally, you have 36 Seconds/ question and if you spend 5 minutes in switching between questions, and another 15 minutes in reading questions, now you left with 40 minutes remaining to solve the 100 questions. This means you are effectively left with 24 – 25 seconds to understand and solve the each question. So for the Time Management for the IBPS PO Prelims Exam, you should try to attempt the IBPS PO Prelims Free Mock Test. From the solving the IBPS PO Mock Test, you can get the brief details about the time spending on the question wise/ section wise.
IBPS PO Prelims Time Management Tips / Strategies to Attempt Max Questions
Name of the Subject | Maximum Question | Total Marks | Time Duration |
Quantitative Aptitude |
35 | 35 | 60 Minutes |
Reasoning Ability |
35 | 35 | |
English Language |
30 | 30 | |
Total | 100 | 100 |
Ideal Time Distribution for IBPS PO Prelims Exam
Quantitative Aptitude | 18-20 minutes |
Reasoning | 20-22 minutes |
English language | 16-18 minutes |
Time Management Tips for student –
IBPS Reasoning Time Management Tips
English Language Time Management Tips
The English is also a scoring section in the Banking Examination. So the candidates should first attempt the questions of error detection, synonyms & antonyms. Always skip on comprehension between the 2 and the one you are trying read it carefully and then attempt the questions because it takes time. Also solved the sentence arrangement question in the last of the exam, the sentence arrangement questions also have consumed the more time.
Time Management Tips for IBPS PO Prelims 2018 Strategies to Attempt Max Questions हिंदी में
Quantitative Aptitude time management tips-
This section is the 2nd last part of solving and is very time-consuming because it includes problem-solving questions relating to time and distance, ratios, probability, allegations, profit loss, Simple Interest, Compound Interest. The students should attempt the questions 1st whom answer knows correctly, and then he should switch over to the tricky part and think to solve but never spend an excess of time on 1 question if it’s not going to your head just leave it
IBPS PO Exam Computer time management tips –
In the Banking Sector Examination, The computer Awareness is the easiest part and the most scoring section and less time-consuming section of the exam. Always attempt it 1st because on an average it just acquires 5-6 minutes to get solved. If you solved the Computer Awareness Section in the 5-6 minutes then after you have left the enough time for the other section and you feel also good.
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