Top Tips to Time Management

Top Tips to Time Management
by Rich Levin
It’s an odd thing, however when you are dreading something, and would provide anything to decrease time, it has a disobliging practice of speeding up.
~ J.K. Rowling, “The Hungarian Horntail,” Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, 2000
Does this ring real for you? Real Estate Agents are challenged in handling time. Prospecting, Marketing, Service, Emails, Telephone Call, Consultations, Documents, the list go on and on. Here are leading tips to help you handle your time better.
- Arrange portions instead of activities. Set up a chunk of time every day to make and return calls, a chunk of time one day a week to do all of your web upgrade work.
Chunk your service, your ad composing, and your marketing. Here is the rule. If you spend a total of more than half an hour per week on an activity, schedule a portion of time on specific days each week for that activity. - Concern Days. For one hour at the beginning of each day concentrate on the following top priorities. In our Daily Coaching Program Mondays and Tuesdays are prospecting days. Wednesdays are marketing, web, print, mail and so on. Thursdays are for service to listed Sellers and pending Clients. Fridays are for preparation, what we call a management day. This structure manages your time, arranges your activities and leverages the chance to take huge chunks of time or full day of rests on the weekend with more assurance and confidence.
- Psychological Physical fitness. We all have a pre-work dance. That is, activities that we love to do right prior to we are going to get to work. Get coffee. Inspect e-mails, Twitter, Active Rain, etc.. Play solitaire. Clear your desk. So, become conscious of your pre-work dance and work to break the cycle of ineffective time. Simply as you are about to “dance,” time out. Stay up straight or stand up. Smile, even laugh at yourself due to the fact that you know what you would normally do. But this time, image how your day is going to go. Image what you desire to achieve and how you are going to accomplish it instantly. And return into action. Nobody thing can make you more productive than disrupting your pre-work dance and getting back into action quicker.
- Prioritize your activities and telephone call. Constantly, do the toughest ones first. Do the one thing that you have actually been putting things off over, initially. That thing frequently holds you back, slows you down, damages your inspiration, your focus, even your self-confidence. Make the difficult phone calls first. Deal with the hard job first. They are frequently not as difficult as expected. But they get harder as you postpone them, don’t they?
- Action motivates. If you’re feeling a little bit lazy but you know you have things to accomplish, action motivates. Get yourself off the couch, off the chair, take the very first action, make the first call, respond to that tough e-mail, or get in the vehicle. Take the first action. Action motivates.
- Utilize the 4 D approach for prioritizing documentation.
Do it right away if it can be done in 20 seconds or less.
Delegate it if you can hand it off to someone else.Delay it if you are not going to do it right now. Arrange a time in your calendar to return to it. It might be postponed to among the time pieces pointed out above.Dump it. It is best to do this one more than the others. - Cluster your activities. Cluster all the things needed to be done at your workplace. Cluster your travel. Take a couple of minutes, actually, just 2 or 3 minutes at the beginning of the day and prior to you leave the door to look at your calendar. Possibly you will have to make a phone call or more to reorganize your schedule. Maybe you will ask another person to be readily available quicker or later. Do that. So that your usage of time makes more sense. As you dedicate to this it becomes habitual. In addition to conserving a tremendous amount of time clustering your activities can relieve a great deal of pressure, supply a fantastic sense of self-control, and offer you the liberty and the chance for higher success.
- Just state no. Oooh, this one is extremely tough for some individuals. If it is difficult for you then merely discover to say sorry profusely … and then state no. Try these scripts. “Wow, I actually want to do that for you. And I truly would. Only it is eliminating me to put other people’s demands above my priorities. I am truly, truly sorry … however, no.”
- Schedule time off. Offer yourself authorization to do absolutely nothing or do something you enjoy to do. Even simply sit in front of the TELEVISION. Read a book. Lay in the sun. Opt for a walk. Exercise. Hang around with family. Sleep in late. Provide yourself authorization to do absolutely nothing. You need that time. You require that energy. Providing yourself this consent sends a strong message to your subconscious that you are in control of your time. This adds power to all of the other concepts above. Cross off one day every week, a half day, a night, when you schedule absolutely nothing or something you enjoy to do and make that personal time a must, an absolute concern. If required, arrange to have somebody manage require you or inspect your emails. This time will genuinely make you more reliable when you are working.There are lots of systems, tools, and philosophies for handling time. These are the foundation, a few of the very best concepts for attending to an Agent’s greatest grievance.
Time is what we desire most, but … what we utilize worst.
~ William Penn
This content was originally published here.
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