Useful (and easy to implement) time management tips for mobile app entrepreneurs

Track how long projects actually take
Do you think you’re super productive and make the most of
every working minute? Or, is time getting away from you? Keep track of how long
projects take you every day for two weeks. Note everything down, from
conference calls to how long writing a proposal takes as you go through the
working day. At the end of two weeks, you’ll get a clear picture of exactly
where your time is spent and hopefully see a few windows where you can make
even better use of your time.
Know your own rhythm
No two people are exactly alike, and while you may have a
colleague or partner who does their best work at night, it could well be that
you focus better earlier on in the day. Knowing when you’re at your most
productive will help you make better use of your time – save those slots for
the tasks which require the most concentration and focus. If you start to flag
towards the end of the day, schedule the least important tasks for then. If you
try and tackle big or complex jobs when tired, you’re more likely to
procrastinate and take longer to complete it, meaning you aren’t using your
time effectively.
Plan for interruptions
It’s highly unlikely you’ll get through the day or week with
everything right on schedule as and when you planned it. Interruptions, both
minor and major, happen so when you’re creating your to-do list or setting
tasks and appointments, make sure that you factor in time for interruptions
such as unexpected calls or visits.
Complete a time plan
Start each day with a 15 to 20 minute slot reserved for
creating your day’s time plan. Schedule in when each thing needs to be started
and when you want to end it by. This will help you ensure your time is being
used effectively and in a focused way.
This content was originally published here.
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